If you want to find help after losing money - where do you go? Who do you talk to? How do you start? These are not simple questions.
We have put together some of the countries leading securities attorneys - all in one place. You can find and talk to them via this service. They will come to you - you won't have to go knocking on doors.
Loosing money and finding an attorney to help is admittedly an unpleasant experience - we have tried to simplify that experience and help find you a better contacts than you might find on your own.
Instead of knocking on doors, sitting in waiting rooms, filling out repetitive questionnaires and getting financially naked in front of strangers - this allows you to make many contacts without even leaving your living room.
So instead of talking to one or maybe two attorneys - we can put you in touch with multiple attorneys. (Size depends on state.)
This service brings them to you.

No. It is a free service to both you and the attorneys. We get no compensation in any form. We provide this service because it complements our other services - and we want to help investors. There is no advertising, no data is collect nor do we sell any information or take commissions or fees.

No one believes in privacy more than we do. Only thing we need is an email address. We even designed the questions to only ask for a "range" of values. All information is deleted when you are finished. We do not keep backups of the data. We do not track you in any way.

That all depends upon you. You can answer as many questions as you want. In total there are about 100 question but only about a dozen are required.
We would guess about 20 to 30 minutes?

They signed up with us but they have to meet our basic standards like representing investors at minimum 65% of the time and that this an area of law that they are active in.
We want to maintain the highest lever of ethics and professionalism for you.

Most attorneys will offer to take your case on "contingency", but they do play games. Usually it is 30% to 35%. We have heard of rates as high as 50%.
Make sure the fees are staggered by the amount of work they do.

X% if they "Settle."

Y% if it goes to "Mediation."

Z% if it goes all the way to "Arbitration."

One fee should not fit all circumstances!
Make sure you compare fees for the best deal vs. the best representation.

VERY IMPORTANT! Make sure their fees are AFTER your costs - not BEFORE. Many attorneys like to "double dip."

Negotiate the fees - don't just accept the first proposals. If you are talking to multiple attorneys via this service you have negotiating power.

Absolutely. You can update anytime - just make sure to republish.

We have a 90 day limit before we delete all the data. You can extend if you like. We do not even keep backup copies. Privacy is too important to us. All communications are considered highly confidential.

We have a sister service just for that. You can do your own online analysis for as little as $100. Or we can analyze your brokerage account for you.
That analysis can even be linked to this questionnaire - giving attorneys some very powerful information to work with.
www.myror.info (Official Launch Pending)
If you hire an attorney, we will offer you a 20% discount for your legal analysis if they use our services.

In this industry people like the SEC and their sister bureaucracies are no help. They prevent nothing and only get involved after the horse has left the barn.
Plus they are very heavily biased towards Wall Street. Investors don't have K Street lobbyists - Wall Street does.
Don't count on any government bureaucracy for anything! They are not your friend no matter what they tell you.
We have zero respect for organizations like the FINRA. They are a total lap dog and puppet of Wall Street.

The FINRA does have a service called "BrokerCheck" but again, it is heavily in favor of the industry and does not tell you what you deserve to know about your stockbroker.
Your stockbroker could have 100 actions filled against them but until they are resolved - you won't know about it.
We believe every action and complaint against a stockbroker should immediately be disclosed and not hidden by a settlement.

Absolutely. You can download the PDF report once published.

Our questionnaire is far superior to anything any attorney will have, so you can even use our questionnaire PDF when consulting other attorneys.

Not a good idea. This is too specialized of an area of law, but we would keep them involved to check on the activities of your new attorney. We especially would have them review any agreements with the new attorney.

There is an organization of securities attorneys who represent investors called "PIABA". www.piaba.org
Originally it was a great group of attorneys with nobel intentions trying to change a corrupt system and help investors. Now +30 years later, it is an organization of attorneys only interested in their own self-interests.
We have lost all respect for this group and question their integrity as an organization. The original nobel mission has been long lost.
Many attorneys will promote this association to you - don't give it much weight!

That is hard to say. It is a question best left to ask an attorney on the Forum.

It is important to sort out those attorneys whose main skills are marketing and those who know the law and truly fight for their clients.
There are many attorneys who take "any" case and settle "every" case for far less than a "fighter" would have gotten.
The defense industry know who these "marketers" are and only offers them low ball settlements.
Find out what percent of cases they "settle". Ask what percent of damages they got for their settlements.

Because the way the system works, many attorneys will not take cases with less than $100,000 in losses. If you have smaller losses it might be more difficult to find an attorney unless it is an easy lawsuit.
The first thing the attorney will look at is your damages.

This service is only about helping you finding assistance via the Questionnaire.
We give no investment or legal advice. You can use the "Forum" to ask legal questions from actual attorneys.

Since we don't answer any legal questions we created a "forum" for uses to post questions and get back advices from many folks.
Just post a questions and wait for a reply from those with experience.
Go to Forum

Suing your stockbroker is a long and hard climb. The system is rigged against you from the start. There are many hurdles. It will be difficult.

The stockbroker might have been your friend in the beginning - they will become a vicious enemy once you take actions against them.

It is very important to find that right attorney!